You Cannot buy Intuition

The only real valuable thing is intuition.

Albert Einstein
Well this man certainly made some remarkable discoveries didn’t he?

After all he is the one responsible for determining the Theory of relativity and E = mc²  so for goodness sake clearly he has some powerful brain cells!

Yet here this rarely known quote illustrates the level of just how deeply intelligent this man was -not only on an educational level but emotionally as well. His consciousness was incredible. Something to be marveled at truly, instead of the trivial things today that are given the most merit like who is going win Top Actor for the Emmy’s or the Screen Actors Guild. Even winning the Nobel Prize seems to not be given as much importance anymore in this generation. I mourn the loss of all the closed book store chains, let alone the Mom & Pop ones that never lasted. Walden Books, Borders, and probably Barnes & Nobles soon enough sadly will rest in peace and be a fond memory like Blockbuster. Sayonara wonderful stores now yet another nail salon or a “Build-A-Bear” has replaced you in our malls.

Intuition is the most powerful form of protection imaginable if you train yourself to listen to it. “Follow your gut” they say or “Just listen to your heart” -How easy does that sound yet how hard is it to understand….?  Now had I learned this a lot sooner then I wouldn’t have this heaping pile of accumulated traumatic incidences. Hindsight- go figure.

 Chances are I wouldn’t have gotten into these predicaments or at least not all of them since every single time I had ignored my intuition. The tell-tale feeling in my stomach pulsated just like how in Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” it was beating through the floors absolutely pounding for my attention. Yet I brushed my feelings off thinking that I merely was being paranoid. Lo and behold I should have trusted those hairs on the back of my neck. Like how dogs instinctively sniff out another person almost immediately sensing their character. Yet we are supposed to be the evolved ones…? Hmm food for thought.

Following your intuition is clearly the focus we need to empower ourselves to take control over our own destinies by way of having consciousness. That unfortunately takes time to refine those skills, But once defined they will be so chiseled in our soul that it can never be taken away. Carve something meaningful upon a heart, but not on a tree- into our minds.
