Boston Insight

recently found the book “The Power of Now” that I bought to accompany me on my flight to Boston.

*A little background*

I was to spend a 4 day weekend with an orthopedic surgeon I randomly met on the street while vacationing with my best friend Natasha. He came to the airport to have dinner with me as our travel itinerary was booked. Keeping in contact a month or so later he flew me out to spend time with him. That vacation with him unfortunately was atrocious.
I wanted to change my flight and leave early, but I decided Hey I’m in Boston I’m going to enjoy myself all by myself! So I Did! I went everywhere. Toured The Museum of Modern Arts by myself all afternoon.
It was absolutely wonderful! There was a Mario Testino photography exhibit so being a photographer I was beyond thrilled to see it. I stopped to get a glass of Cabernet there and realized just how much I truly enjoy my own company! Priceless!
Needless to say this did not end up with a love connection. Never saw him again nor ever wanted to. Over my years of relationships I can spot a demanding, controlling, and future abuser miles away so No thank you!
However on the flight home I had an amazing experience and wrote out the following few paragraphs- NO editing as I had used a pencil writing.

The title of my #RandomMusings 

A note written on my flight home from Boston

I met this couple married for 41 years… 6 kids, 8 grandchildren, and absolutely glowing about all their travels and experiences. Hand in hand as the plane takes off they nod off to sleep together.

I just can’t help but wonder when did we all get over the idea of growing old together? When did that get old?
Seems to be the rarest form of love today and the truest. Finding your partner and living together each day creating memories and a foundation for the future that you actually will spend together. This concept nowadays seems almost foreign sadly.

She excitedly told me about when she knew that Farrell was “the one”! He was not her first love, however upon meeting “they both just knew!” – Who knew it could be that easy?
Perhaps we complicate things too much in this life of bigger, better, faster, and more, more, more. This way of living now that we are all accustomed to. What is the shame in being perfectly happy and content with what you actually have instead of just keeping it until the next flashy object comes along? Choosing just one person out of all the rest to be your running mate in the non political sense- rather in the state of being and living. In the end you can only have one, and in the final end none.

So why not embrace love when you find it and hold on tightly and protecting it once found instead of tossing it away easily for a perceived “upgrade”? Having what you want and wanting what you have- this is by far the most intrinsically simple truth to learn yet so very difficult to retain.

~Arielle Monaghan
Written 12-4-12


I choose to FLY!