
We used to be each other’s everything.
The First call or text of the day.
The Last call or text of the night.

You ran to me for every piece of news in your life
and I read aloud the headlines gleefully with you.

You knew every beat drumming along in my heart
and I knew yours in synch as well.

Now the titles we once had have been pulled away
like a white sheet trying to conceal the decaying remnants
of a relationship deceased.

How did this happen…? Life you say…?
Life is not the cause of our demise rather it is the excuse
used to abandon the once precious relationship.

The value of our stock crashed and has now gone bankrupt.
Canceled and thrown away like all the gifts we got each other
while we still were an integral part of each other’s souls.
One can only take so much pain before it is time to say goodbye.
So this is Goodbye.

You are now just another stranger in the world.


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