Put that damn oxygen mask on Yourself First!

This is such a seemingly simple concept yet I find it SO incredibly difficult to retain in my mind.

Recently I had a conversation asking the question that if someone was crying for help would you run over answering the cries or run the other direction? I answered without even a 2 second thought given that I would run to help! He said now what if they had a gun- you would put yourself in danger like that…? I said “Well I don’t know I have never truly thought about that before… But how could I live with myself knowing that if something tragic happened that maybe I would’ve been able to prevent it?”

This was a very eye awakening moment for me…

I‘m so used to taking care of everyone around me that I forget to take care of myself all too often. No martyr session or sad violin playing in the background here that is merely just my disposition, however this conversation really made me stop to think deeply. Would I really potentially choose the life over a stranger and leave my son without a mother? Leave my loved ones forever in the effort (which may or may not succeed) trying to save someone else? I’m supposed to be saving myself goodness gracious!!

How often I am reminded of this paraphrased quote:

I often forget that others do not care
the same way that I care

Sad but true. It is a basic form of human nature that we all are hard-wired differently. Sometimes that is a good thing- other times it can hurt very very much. I oftentimes find myself envious of those that are seemingly able to turn their feelings off and on like a switch…
Despite how much it stings to constantly open myself up to getting wounds I would not want to change. Caring too much is better than caring too little in my opinion. However self-preservation needs to become a priority otherwise we will not be strong enough to endure life’s up’s & down’s, and also will not have the strength to pull one another up without depleting ourselves.

That damn oxygen mask…. It’s time to attach it securely now before it is too late! I am learning every day to embrace myself with the same love I give out, and finally learning that taking better care of myself is not selfish rather it is vital!


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