Love simplified

Sitting outside earlier I saw a butterfly land on a flower right in front of me and pondered in my head a seemingly simple slightly odd question-
“Why do I love butterflies so much?”….
Instantly my thoughts were clear as day. It’s not just my love of finding beauty in nature and the fact that I see pictures wherever I look, but rather it is the freedom they personify.
They flitter and float with no care in the world. Only stopping momentarily to “smell the roses” before they take flight once more to an unknown destination. Wouldn’t that be blissfully wonderful to experience?

I do believe that deep down we all desire that feeling of “freeness” and always crave a small piece of it. Some know how to find it (thereby finding themselves) and are unabashed to society in showcasing it. Others keep it tucked away shyly only opening up occasionally for the world to see.
I want to continue to keep spreading my wings and soaring into the wind unafraid of anything behind or in front of me. Only enjoying what is presently before me to take in and fully experience.

Like that fleeting butterfly though who only stays but a moment I’m petrified to think I could lose this enlightened way I feel now. If life were to slap me figuratively or literally again would I dip downwards back into darkness? That passing thought thankfully does not stay long as I know that I have survived near death experiences and managed to thrive afterwards!

I find it funny how an almost child-like simplistic moment can evoke so much emotion.
Our eyes must be open to catch these awakening moments that can happen in a split second

Love can be reflected in everything we do, see, and experience if we only let it….


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