Is Honesty truly the best policy?

In this game of life (as with the actual game of poker) I put my cards all out on the table concealing nothing thereby having absolutely no poker face. Not exactly a strategic method of living. In fact it works to my own detriment more often than I would like to admit. I’ve been told by my best friends to not do this in future relationships (especially with the opposite sex) but are you supposed to just mask your true self in order to blend in with society or eventually find a partner? NO! How could that be?! Honesty is the fundamental basis for any real relationship- professionally, platonically, and romantically. Without trust there is nothing. Yes I may get taken advantage of frequently getting used/abused and speak too open/honestly when it would be easier to omit things. I have tolerated a lot from people I loved and I thought loved me only to constantly find my heart broken and left in pieces. But I believe a person is only as good as their word and actions that follow from their words. Call me an idealist, incredibly naive, or permanently clad in rose-colored glasses but I wouldn’t change myself for the world. Not having a heart would be a far worse fate than having one that constantly needs surgery to mend the lacerations.

It seems nowadays that it is much easier to not care because it is safer being tucked behind the walls you make for yourself. When I meet people so closed off I always picture their heart as looking like a castle surrounded by a moat. The actual definition of a moat via my beloved handy dictionary app reads as follows: a deep, wide ditch that is usually filled with water and that goes around the walls of a place (such as a castle) to protect it from being attacked. Choosing to live in a state of constant offense expecting to go into defense at any time…? No thank you! Yes I know I care and divulge too much but I would rather have an overflowing heart than one that is stopped up and unable to outpour. What a different world we would live in if more people adapted this seemingly odd way of thinking…

Can we not start a movement to encourage this shift? It might not be the easiest road to travel at first, but trust me it certainly has the most incredible views and rewarding experiences! John Lennon said it best – “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.”

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*Check out #30DOT

2 thoughts on “Is Honesty truly the best policy?

    • Thanks! This was just a quick little note since I want to remain on track with the #30DOT challenge! I will definitely start churning out some longer and more meaningful ones soon! Thank you so much for your feedback!

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